
Orienting 新员工 in Your Department/Office

Supervisors are responsible for orienting new employees to their position and their new department/office. 人力资源 schedules new employees for attendance at "Getting Started @UNH", which is the orientation program for new hires that focuses on their core benefits, key policies and resources at UNH to assist them in their successful transition to the University.  At the conclusion of orientation, they can visit the UNH ID Office to obtain their UNH照片ID 卡. 它们需要是电流, active employee and bring another form of Photo ID (driver's license or passport) with them to acquire one.


  • 审查 IT客户管理 然后请求 UNH IT电子邮件帐户 给你的新员工.
  • 建立适当的 电话账户 and request departmental telecom authorization codes if appropriate.
  • Provide information/instructions so new employee can obtain 联合国大学停车许可证 第一天.
  • Ensure their workstation/workspace is set up and ready for their arrival.
  • Notify staff/department members of new hire and their start date.
  • Be sure someone is scheduled to be present to welcome them on their first day.



  1. Arrange to introduce your new employee to:
    • 部门主管及助理
    • 其他职员
    • 小学校园联系
    • Assign a buddy/mentor for your new hire for the first few weeks to show them around the department/office and campus.
  2. Identify and record emergency contact information for new employee.


  1. 审查 position expectations and position description.
  2. Confirm employee is registered for and attends a 绩效指导 概述会话.  HR will register them for a session date that is approximately 4 months after their start date, 在适当的时段(Coach或Coachee) available after their attendance at the "开始@UNH"迎新计划. 
  3. 审查 employee's performance at 6 month intervals. 绩效指导 方法、过程和形式是 可以在这里.
  4. 讨论 the importance of his/her job for the department/office.
  5. 讨论 the effect of their position on other areas.
  6. 讨论 the effect other areas have on their position.
  7. 检查 lines of supervision within department.


  1. 检查ir work schedule and department/office hours.
  2. 检查 department/office lunch and break schedules.
  3. 审查 how to report absences (scheduled & 计划外). 
  4. 审查 process for department/office vacation requests.
  5. 审查 how to record time and attendance for 每小时 paid employees using UKG(原Kronos).
  6. 检查 process for submitting requests for 工作之余的时间,例如 私人时间,病假等.  This includes the process for submitting requests for 每小时 paid and Salary paid employees using UKG(原Kronos).
  7. 审查 department/office procedures for attending classes during working hours.
  8. 讨论 减少操作 - explain if employee is considered "必要的” or "不必要的 ”工作人员.


  1. 审查 procedure for getting uniforms (if appropriate).
  2. Show location of lunch/coffee break area(s) in the building and surrounding areas.
  3. 显示洗手间的位置.
  4. Show location of personal storage area (if appropriate).
  5. Show location of campus mail pick-up/delivery in your building/office and explain process.


  1. 审查 department/office appearance expectations.
  2. 检查 联合国卫生组织烟草政策. 
  3. 检查 making of personal phone calls and share resource for 联合国卫生组织电话授权码.
  4. 审查 expectations regarding personal mail/e-mail.


  1. Explain what to do in case of accidents - who to contact, who to report it to (Worker's Comp.等.).
  2. Explain what to do in case of fire, or other emergency - what are the evacuation routes, where is the department/office meeting up to insure all are accounted for. 
  3. Explain any safety rules particular to the department/office based on environment (chemical, 辐射, 设备等.)
  4. 新员工注册了吗 联合国卫生组织警报系统.
  5. 审查 电脑工作站设置 并联络环境卫生署 & 安全's Occupational 安全 Officer at 603-862-4761 to coordinate an ergonomic assessment of employees workstation (if appropriate) to assist in preventing repetitive use injuries.


  1. Arrange specific trainings regarding access to University systems and procedures as appropriate.

  2. Coordinate new employees reviewing the appropriate UKG /二氧化钛资源, including narrated overviews of the USNH time management system for their employee category - Adjunct, 每小时, 工资和/或时间审批人.  Provide support for new employees in accessing and using the system.  If assistance is needed, please contact the 人力资源服务 团队.


  1. Recommend new employees review  the 教职员新闻 published weekly on Thursdays within the email delivery of 是不是今天
  2. Recommend new employees subscribe to the 联合国大学停车场通讯.
  3. 推荐他们复习的不胜枚举 教师/人力资源 可用的在线.