Tamara 马库斯 receives 2019 Switzer Fellowship to make science accessible


Ph.D. 学生塔玛拉·马库斯获得了著名的瑞士奖学金.

Tamara 马库斯 researching methane emissions from permafrost in northern Sweden. 鲁斯·瓦纳(Ruth Varner)拍摄.

塔玛拉·马库斯,主要研究的研究生 自然资源与地球系统科学博士.D. 程序获得了2019年瑞士奖学金. 马库斯和露丝·瓦纳一起研究永久冻土融化过程中的甲烷排放, 地球科学教授,地球科学中心主任 地球系统研究中心地球、海洋和空间研究所.

瑞士奖学金计划 offers one-year fellowships to 20 graduate students in New England and California whose studies and career goals are directed toward environmental improvement and who demonstrate leadership 在ir fields. 马库斯说15美元,1万美元的奖学金将支持她使科学更容易获得的努力, 这是她作为美国地球物理联盟的一员正在追求的目标 科学之声 大使.

“This fellowship allows me to explore how to better connect people with data in actionable ways to help increase the impact of scientific research.”

“This fellowship allows me to explore how to better connect people with data in actionable ways to help increase the impact of scientific research,马库斯说. “我认为这样做, 我们不仅创造了更多具有科学素养的社区, we also improve the quality of our research by supporting more innovation and application of our work.” 的 honor also connects fellows to a network of more than 650 Switzer Fellowship alumni.

In addition to researching the impact of warming on carbon emissions from Arctic Lakes, 马库斯 is exploring how indigenous communities understand and apply weather and climate data. She combines survey data and storytelling with indigenous Australians and Sámi communities of northern Sweden to record their observations of environmental change.

“I want to understand what indigenous communities already know about climate change through generational and observational knowledge and understand how scientists can better engage the communities in which they work to produce a more collaborative approach to research,她说。.

富布赖特-尼赫鲁项目前研究员,获学士学位.S. 来自明尼苏达大学, 马库斯’s commitment to science communication was born of the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change in 2017, 那年她开始攻读博士学位.D. “I have tried to work to improve representation of groups typically not invited into conversations about science,她说。. “如果我们想要‘做好的科学’,, 我们必须确保我们的研究是多样化的, 包容, 和公平.”

马库斯, who acknowledges that being a student of color at a predominately white institution has been challenging, credits Varner for helping her navigate both personal and academic struggles with compassion and patience. “I have been able to find a place with在 主要研究 community by connecting with more faculty and students who recognize the need to work together to create a culture that is both welcoming and supportive of all students,她说。. “I see great potential for 主要研究 and I hope to be a part of making our university a true beacon of 包容 education.”